Monday, February 27, 2012

Is God a Singularity?

Back in the mid-nineties while at an experiential workshop, I was guided in a deep meditation to open my Heart and imagine a thread connecting my Heart to the centre of our Sun, from which another 'dimensional' thread would lead me to a Central Sun. My experience of this place and the sense of one-ness, has never left me and it was the first time I had heard the term Central Sun.

From this point on my Teacher referred often to "The God Of The Central Sun Where All Is One", a space/place of unified wholeness where duality ceases to exist.

He therefore concluded that the 'God' we refer to in a patriarchal sense as Father God, must in this dualistic existence therefore have a balance - a Mother God. So Mother/Father God, or Father/Mother God, were used interchangeably to describe the dualistic God of this existence, while The God Of The Central Sun denoted the God of unity.

Imagine my surprise when years later on a training course in a particular healing modality, the presenter mentioned our Sun as having a consciousness, referred to as The Solar Logos, a consciousness which transmutes energy from the Central Sun.

Mmmmm, I thought ... interesting! 

Then I read José Argüelles' book on the mathematics behind the Mayan calendar (The Mayan Factor). It's a complex book and I'm not sure that all his views stack up, but what did fascinate me was that the Mayans apparently referred to a Central Sun which they called Hunab Ku or Supreme God.

We've all heard about the 21 Dec 2012 solstice yada, yada, yada .. but what Argüelles claimed is that on this date, a very special alignment happens.  You see the Earth, in its orbit around the Sun wobbles around its own axis, which is called a precession, and once every 26,000 years or so, the Earth's axis points directly to the centre of our galaxy, to Hunab Ku.

The Mayans had no wheels, metal tools or other signs of what we might call 'civilised' society, yet they had a mathematical model of planetary and solar movement so astounding, that they could predict with accuracy when the Earth would be in this unique alignment.  On this date their calendar also 'resets'.

More recently physicists have discovered that right at the centre of our galaxy (which we call The Milky Way) is a supermassive black hole. (It is now widely accepted that the centre of nearly every galaxy contains a supermassive black hole, with the latest discovery being one in a galaxy called NGC4889 which is estimated at 21 billion solar masses or the weight of 21 billion of our Suns!)

Physicists also theorise that the mass drawn into each of these supermassive black holes becomes infinitely dense and infinitely small, eventually disappearing in a mathematical construct called a singularity. In this place all the laws of physics (as we know them) break down.  No one yet understands or knows where all the matter drawn into these supermassive black holes actually goes!

The name singularity is and of itself an indication that duality cannot exist, so is this a place where all the laws of our dualistic world reach a point of unification? 

The Mayans called it Hunab Ku, my Teacher called it The Central Sun long before the supermassive black hole was discovered, and now physicists confirm that something beyond our laws of physics sits at the very Heart of our galaxy.

I would think that a space/place of unity, where duality cannot by definition exist, would be a singular place, beyond the laws of this dimensions' physics, and therefore a probable place for a unified existence.

I was fortunate to experience the feel of such a place and it felt like Heaven!

Is God a Singularity?

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