Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fish Out Of Water

In a recent guided meditation, I was given the symbol of a 'fish out of water'. At first, the typical associations were those of loneliness and isolation, but then another realisation emerged.

At some point in our evolutionary past, a single fish was the FIRST fish to try out its new lungs, out of the sea. This instinctual leap is only what has ever moved any species forward, otherwise we'd still be swimming in some primordial soup!

We're all in our own sea (unconscious self) getting on with our day-to-day existence, but occasionally, we're presented with a choice to become a 'fish out of water', and land ourselves on our psychological beach.

"To Be or Not To Be"? How can we not BE?

Unfamiliar ground, new horizons, strange awakenings, intrepidness, excitement, fear ... all abound within our Inner Self.

It is my experience that if take this leap of faith IN OURSELVES, we find an initial place of loneliness, but as we start to 'see' with expanded awareness, we find others on the beach who made similar choices. We're not alone and now in the elevated company of kindred souls.

We may choose to see this as a risk, but also as a liberation, and as we repeat this and 'confidence builds confidence', believing in ourselves becomes easier, fear subsides, life becomes exciting (not existence) and we experience an inner freedom never before dreamed of.

We gain deep empathy for those on similar journeys, have no need to compete nor compare, experience the wonderment of our own unfoldment, and understand the SERVICE we do in the true sense of the sevite (one who performs selfless service).

As Mahatma Ghandi stated "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Become a fish out of water!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rock & A Hard Place

When one feels 'stuck between a rock and a hard place', take some time, sit in Inner Silence and eventually one of the two will become the more obvious option!